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Please read the Terms of Use carefully before using this website. By using this website, user agrees to be bound by these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as follows:

1) This website is owned by myBeautyCravings and Nicole Lee. We receive free products and services from time to time. Whether the product is self-purchased or received as press samples, myBeautyCravings.com retain 100% editorial rights to all contents published on this website, unless otherwise stated.

2) All reviews are made based on the authors/bloggers’ personal experience with the products or services. As such, readers’ opinions and experiences may differ. The sharing of personal experience and opinions on this website is not meant to harm, slander or defame any company, individual or thing. myBeautyCravings.com and I will not be held liable for libel nor will I be held to compensate you in any way whatsoever if you happen to suffer a loss, damage or other inconveniences. 

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, please reach us at: 

Attn: Ms Nicole Lee
Email: editor@myBeautyCravings.com

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